Monday, January 3, 2011

Essence of Christmas

"Christmas is truly in their hearts!!". This Christmas Season, we are all excited and happy. But inside this excitement and happiness, can you see and feel the essence of true Christmas?
I don't think so, because as i can see and i can feel, they celebrate this season just for fun. They are doing this not the right way it should be celebrated. Some are taking this for granted, they don't express the true essence of Christmas instead they have their Christmas carol, Christmas programs and others. They are so happy doing this but they don't know what is the essence of Christmas. Because as far as I know, Christmas is all-about Jesus and nothing more.
The true essence of Christmas is sharing, giving and loving. This Christmas, we must be good and celebrate this wonderful and happy. And always remember, Christmas is all-about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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